Sunday, December 18, 2011

Tips for learning Spanish fast - 2 secrets

For the first time I show my best secrets or tips for the 2 learn Spanish quickly. I will start with the first of which I am sure that you will find very helpful.

The first tip: Watch many movies or DVDs in Spanish

I have to a friend in Colombia, who speaks fluent English and she was never a country English speaking traveled. I am very impressed with their vocabulary. Every time I try, they challenge thinking with one English word that she will understand the definition of the word they surprised me and fully understand the importance. I have use some slang which is peculiar to New York City, to deceive them. So I asked her "What is your secret?" "How do you know traveled many English words and you so never of Colombia?"

"Patrick," answered she, "I have two techniques that are responsible for my extensive English vocabulary".

", As I have told you already, before I've seen probably just as many films in English, like you, in English, usually more than once saw first with English subtitles turned on and then out."

"But there is another technique that I used and I am going to part with you..." "

The second Tip: Use a single dictionary Spanish language

"Patrick, not I use Spanish English dictionaries to translate English words that I do not understand." "I am using a Merriam-Webster English Dictionary or an Oxford English Dictionary to the meaning of English words to look up, which I do not know."

It is less than three weeks, since they told of this technique. After they me said this, I immediately went and bought a Spanish Dictionary (only in Spanish). I bought a Spanish dictionary, which is actually a combination of a dictionary and encyclopedia, and it has a lot of color images. It is called Larousse junior Diccionario Enciclopedico. And if you are a Visual learner, the images in the dictionary encyclopedia really helps you.

In less than three weeks, not only I some have new Spanish words in my vocabulary, I've done during "think" in Spanish and not in English. This is a technique that I heartily recommend.

Pat Jackson is the founder of learning Spanish like crazy. If you want to find out more about the ultimate Spanish Verb Conjugator and receive a free interactive demo copy of Verbarrator - the Spanish Verb Conjugator, so fun and easy that it makes is addictive, go here now:

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Knowledge From the People, For the People

Ich habe viel darüber gehört, aber bis heute hatte nie überprüfte ich es aus Wikipedia die freie Online-Enzyklopädie. ( Nun ist dies eine ziemlich coole Erfindung, lassen Sie mich Ihnen sagen. Dies ist eine Enzyklopädie gemacht durch die Massen für die Massen, und jeder (auch Sie) kann hinzufügen oder Bearbeiten von Seiten. Dies bedeutet, dass hast du ein Stück des Wissens, die Sie denken, ist gut zu wissen, nach der Überprüfung, dass es nicht heraus dort bereits Sie dieses großen Körper des Wissens hinzufügen können, die jeden Tag wächst. Es gibt mehr als die Hälfte einer million Artikel in Englisch allein, aber es gibt auch Artikel von vielen anderen Sprachen, einige mit mehr als 100.000. In den alten Tagen hatten wir eine Menge Geld zu kaufen Enzyklopädien zu verbringen. Sie viel Platz nahm und von privaten Unternehmen in der Hoffnung, einen finanziellen Gewinn machen produziert wurden. Jetzt können wir das Buch schreiben und lesen Sie es kostenlos!

Ich habe einige stichprobenartiger Durchsuchungen heute auf der Wikipedia-Website lesen über verschiedene Dinge von Saddam Hussein, McDonalds, in eine kleine Stadt, die ich verwendet, in genannt Bowling Green, Ohio zu leben. Ich lernte viele interessante Dinge wie die Tatsache, die Saddam eine Kompetenz-Programm in Irak sowie eine kostenlose Schulpflicht System einmal einrichten. Dies dauert nicht entfernt, dass die Tatsache, die er getötet und viele Menschen verfolgt, aber es gibt uns ein ausgeglichener menschliches Bild und beweist, dass es immer mehr als das Auge trifft, wenn es darum geht, unsere Nachrichten auf Privatbesitz Medienkanäle beobachten. Wussten Sie, dass McDonalds weitere Spielplätze als jede andere private Organisation besitzt? Oder wussten Sie, dass sie mehr Schweinefleisch als jedes andere Unternehmen in den USA kaufen? Wohin geht das Schweinefleisch? Ich hoffe, dass es nicht in die Milchshakes!

Einer der wichtigsten Funktionen, die mich auf Wikipedia angeregt ist die Menge der Links, die Sie können einrasten fort in einem Artikel, die Sie zu anderen Artikeln führen wird. Wenn Sie Forschung tuend sind scheint es, dass Sie sehr tief die Kaninchen-Loch in der Tat gehen können. Wenn Sie etwas, das hat nicht zu viel Informationen über sie betrachten, ist es Ihre Chance, unseren Horizont mit Ihr eigenes Wissen zu erweitern. Es gibt natürlich ein paar Regeln, einer davon ist, dass wir (WE!) für echte Fakten, keine Meinungen suchen. Die Artikel sind ständig bearbeiteten so dass, wenn Sie schreiben oder jemand sonst setzen in Kauderwelsch Zeugen oder Vandalismus es gibt viele Steuerelemente, die Seiten frei von Missbrauch zu halten.

Es gibt auch eine aktuelle Abschnitt "Ereignisse", die viel liest sich wie eine Zeitung wird jedoch tatsächlich geschrieben von Menschen aus der allgemeinen Gemeinschaft in eine Art von Blog-Format. Dies ist ein Schritt nach vorn in die ganze Geschichte hören, über ein Ereignis. Sie können vorherige Daten wie ein Archiv ansehen, die schlägt sicher, dass Ihre alten Zeitungen halten müssen.

Es gibt auch einige 'Schwester' Projekte von der Wikipedia-Gruppe wie die Wiktionary (Wörterbuch und Thesaurus), Wikibooks (frei Lehr- und Handbücher), Wikiquote (Sammlung von Zitaten), Wikisource (Kostenlose Quelldokumente), Wikispecies (Artenverzeichnis), Wikinews (freie Inhalte Nachrichtenquelle), Commons (freigegebenen Medien) und Meta-Wiki (Wikimedia).

Im Community-Portal Abschnitt der Website bitten sie aktiv Besucher Forschung zu bestimmte Themen als auch in Kooperationen arbeiten. Sie brauchen Menschen, die copy-edit Artikel als auch erweitern, bereinigen und aktualisieren. Ich denke, dass es eine konkrete Möglichkeit für Leute ist, die Autoren, Forscher, Redakteure und dergleichen einige Praxis in ihren bevorzugten Handel zu werden möchte.

"Stell dir eine Welt, in der jeder Mensch freien Zugang zu der Summe des menschlichen Wissens hat. Das ist, was wir tun." Dies ist die Wikipedia Botschaft und es ist durchaus eine altruistische. Wie sie eine Non-Profit-Organisation, die sie sich auf Teilnehmer Spenden sind verlassen, Server und Bandbreite, Festplatte etc., die sie benötigen zu halten mit der wachsenden Anzahl von Benutzern zu kaufen. Also, wenn Sie denken, es ist eine großartige Idee, erhalten auf dem Boot, sagen uns, was Sie wissen, und teilen Ihr Vermögen mit allen.

Jesse S. Somer
Jesse S. Somer mag die Idee einer Welt arbeiten und lernen zusammen mit Wahrheit und wissen als die größte Börse als. Sind Liebe und Mitgefühl auch ziemlich Kürze, wie werden wir sie in einer Enzyklopädie integrieren?

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Book review - Reese of chronological encyclopedia of Christian of biographies of Ed Reese

A chronological collection of Christian of biographies

Ed Reese become studied Christian biographies for most of his life and a respected authority on the subject. This amazing chronologic collection of Christian biographies ED is a compilation of who the market leaders in the Christian from the days of the martyrs of the first century by contemporary leaders Church. Tom Malone, Bruce M. Metzger, Gilbert E Patterson, Lee Roberson, Jerry Falwell and Ruth Graham Bell, right above are just a few of the familiar most influential contemporary leaders the church until her death as late as Ruth Bell Graham death earlier this year served. The book consists of more than 5,000 sketches and more than 4,000 photos. More than 1,000 organizations collaborated in this effort and testify: EDS thoroughness and integrity of the work.

EDS personal biographical library has more than 1,000 books. Selection for inclusion in this work was based on the mentioned two or referenced several times in the books of his impressive collection. Christian organizations, Bible schools, missionary agencies and large denominations were contacted for additional guidance for inclusion in the project be taken into account.

A complete alphabetical index list other influential figures, a list of abbreviations and a glossary add to the user friendly reference value in the amount of this work. A list of the recognition of organizations, the information available provided adds to the validity and integrity of the EDS phenomenal power.

This is much more than a dictionary of the Christian State and Government. It is a comprehensive encyclopedia biographical sketches of men and women who have impacted the growth and evolution of the Church through the centuries.

I was personally blessed as I the years 1946 until time verified. I found that I was able to identify many of the featured. Some of these leaders and ministries have an impact on my own Christian life, growth and mental development.
This is a great achievement for Ed Reese. "The chronological encyclopedia of Christian of biographies" is important leaders in Christianity as a extraordinary resource and a great tribute to twenty centuries. The book is an important and Government leaders, seminars and Bible schools to be added to the library of the wise pastors, denominational leaders and.

How to check on Midwest Book review

Richard R. Blake, Christian education consultant, book store owners

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Reference works: The tool that can not afford a translator to live without

If you know you on your way to a translator or just someone who learns a foreign language and this experience takes very seriously, that it never enough reference materials according to your non-stop pursuit knowledge available.

Since the art of translation as the process of which mastering a second language is a very complex process, must you to surround yourself with all kinds of resources from audio CDs and software programs that will help you properly articulate pillars of books that will help you solve the grammatical puzzles, you certainly encounter.

But before you go ahead and spend tons of money on the latest audio, video and computer products, sit back and think about if you have really a good selection of main tools, starting with. This may seem simple, but for a translator or anyone working with a second language - a set of dictionaries is important.

Basically needs every translator a dictionary, right? False! You need a complete set includes a General dictionary, a dictionary of synonyms antonyms, a reference grammar, a Dictionary, an encyclopedia - in both the source and the Zielsprache-, several technical dictionaries (legal, medical, financial accounting, finance, because you never know what require a project) and a slang dictionary.

Also concerns you that while the Internet - many of them are highly specialized - a physical library has many excellent online dictionaries you need will be your starting point for each order you get.

A combination of new technologies - online resources - with the old-fashioned approach is, finally, gets the job done right.

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Gather Your Tools and Resources to Write a Thousand Articles This Year

We're going to take our mammoth undertaking for this year, to write and publish a thousand new articles, and break it down into a number of smaller, non-intimidating, manageable process steps that will allow you to alter your current paradigms concerning what is possible for you to do. You may think of writing a thousand articles as a huge leap of skills, talent and accomplishment, which true - it is, but not so much so that you must feel it's out of the question for you now. It's most certainly is not. This can be critically important if you are involved in copywriting or article marketing.

An Important Early Step

Well up front you'll need to set aside a place or space where you will consistently work. This was mentioned in a previous article. So you should have your writing nook ready. Now another important early step is to gather some of your most essential tools and resources together into or near your writing space for quick access. While exactly what these will consist of may vary a bit depending on what kind of writing you'll be doing, there are some key resources that are invaluable to almost every writer regardless of genre or topics. Let's take a quick look at eight of these are in parts one and two of this article and then assemble them for our frequent use and referral.

1. A Dictionary - You're going to have to have not just one, but several dictionaries on hand for a variety of purposes. And not the little paperback ones either. I'm talking about full-fledged hard-bound volumes of American and British English. Toss in a Rhyming dictionary, too. If you work at all with another language or any vocabulary or cultural references to one, then you should also have at one good bilingual dictionary on hand.

2. A Thesaurus - Now another dividing point among many serious writers is their use of a word reference tool other than a dictionary. Some favor the old standby Roget's Thesaurus, while more conventional, upbeat authors gravitate more towards a Rodale's Word Finder. I have and use both, but definitely prefer the Rodale's.

3. Book of Word Origins - This may or may not be commonly available, depending on where you live, but I've found this reference to be quite helpful on numerous occasions in writing for a wide variety of genres. This can provide some short, concise filler information to chip into a piece that might be initially too "thin" in some spots.

In the continuing part two of this article, we'll suggest five additional resources which should prove invaluable in your quest to write a thousand articles (or more) in a year.

Larry M. Lynch is an English language teaching and learning expert author and university professor in Cali, Colombia. Now YOU too can live your dreams in paradise, find romance, high adventure and get paid while travelling for free. For more information on the lucrative, fascinating field of teaching English as a Foreign Language, get your copy of his no-cost, full multi-media, hypertext-linked pdf ebook, "If You Want to Teach English Abroad, Here's What You Need to Know" by sending an e-mail to with "free ELT Ebook" in the subject line. Need professional, original content and photos or images for your blog, newsletter, e-zine or website? Want more information, have a comment or special request? Contact the author by e-mail or at: for a prompt response.

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What is Wikipedia? A guide to the most unique encyclopedia on the Web

Wikipedia is an open-source encyclopedia, a website, where anyone can write and publish an article on any topic of their choice. The site was a remarkable success, with thousands of amateur authorities with an emphasis on an infinite variety of topics. In the summer of 2005, Wikipedia with almost 850,000 articles in English was alone with many other entries in dozens of languages. You have more than 1.3 million articles in English, 445.000 in German, 342,000 in French and lesser sums in many other languages, such as Dutch, Spanish, and Japanese. Wikipedia has become an international phenomenon.

Research can be a remarkable resource Wikipedia for pedestrians. Search on wheat production in Kansas, and you get 17 article, the references to a commodity trading organization, a few agricultural publications, Kansas Board of trade, and links to other websites which may or may not be obtained. If you can't find what you want, chances are that a search to Kansas their annual production wheat in a review of the State and whose resources get. For general information, Wikipedia has become a repository for a unique collection of resources. From quantum physics to cartoons, see something to virtually any topic.

The information it seems accurate and professionally presented mostly factual. Wikipedia a staff article Lady concerned to eliminate the most egregious examples of self aggrandizing nonsense. Most articles are written by registered users, reduced to the movement of flamethrowers. Contributors can edit also article posted and more know that they can have.

Wikipedia suffers from some growing pains recently in situations where it has become a resource for the current events. For example of Enron's Kenneth had over lay entry several false statements about the circumstances of his death, as well as a few Soapbox records the death of Houston rip off artists, etc. There were other instances where changes to news have been made have been wrong. Because Wikipedia has become such a widely used resource, the Manager of the site and its founder, Jimmy have been criticised Wales.

It is a legitimate question whether Wikipedia has a role in the business of news-gathering with an open source format. Management response was that in future will it no longer anonymous entries but, that only registered users on the site may post. But still, as the operator of Wikipedia fight with success, a unique source of information - an encyclopedia of General is taken.

The front page features articles and links to a number of areas. It offers tips on the use of the website, while an other a bibliography and source to act as a library resource. There are a few community forums and news about the new features on the site.

Sister projects include a Wiktionary - their service dictionary and thesaurus. Wikispecies is a biological database of the native flora and fauna. Wikisource is a free content library - a source of links to online content, which has provided free of charge. The family of wiki-services (WikiWiki "in a hurry" means in Hawaiian) is a unique online service that the open-source-anarchic origins of the World Wide Web owes its origin. Some smart colleagues came and found a way, information in a structured way available to present participants and at no cost - and to make a personal commercial success. This is the Internet at its best.

Madison is a customer, relating to relations for She brings many years of experience as a small business consultant to help, are the potential customers and the way in which a site both personally and professionally can benefit them. Apollo Hosting provides website hosting [], e-commerce hosting [], VPS hosting and Web design services to a wide range of customers. Apollo is was founded in 1999 and proud at the highest level of customer support.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

The benefits of reading for children and adults

It is really sad that there are a lot of children in the 21st century school could be read incorrectly or without the patience to deal with a book. Books open the mind on wonderful world of fantasy. You also teaching, social skills and are worldwide benefit in extending a people aware of issues.

Children should be introduced on books before they can read. In this way and sit to read with a child, the relationship between readers and listeners will be strengthened. Fathers are probably busy during the day, but if they can spare 30 minutes one evening, with their children to read then created the father/child bond becomes stronger.

Reading from an early age brings much know to a child and help him or her have a better understanding of life. All fairy tales have a message to children. You can learn, compassion and respect, as well as adding too many life skills of the child must face this uncertain world. A child should be introduced as soon as possible in a local library. It may be not too much, that love books a child of the child until junior senior and can help in getting a socialized stresses respectful, loving adults with a lot to know.

Not only children should read; Adults are opening new doors, new facts harvested and so on. This in turn improves life and provides interesting topics of discussion. Visiting the local library can also open the door for new people to meet and hobbies. Disabled and blind can find their days with hundreds of talking books on the market. These are available in the local library.

When I was a kid, my books were my best friend. I very much doubt, that I'm the person I am today without the large amount of reading, what I did. This had me academically clever but compassion and care for people and animals taught me. Respect for those, the older than me (not many of them now) and gave me a love for unusual facts, which in turn my social life more interesting. There is to talk about something if you are a reader.

Reading can also bring a child's talents and who knows that your child write read aspiring author because of the time, given to him or her. What a dull world would be without books.

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Online dictionaries - not a translator without you should

At the challenge of representing a Spanish English translation we with others, because languages have to do is an important tool to use a large and reputable dictionary. Fortunately, the Internet offers several Web sites these days, which makes it the best dictionaries in the world even easier wear to work. Set the times as a translator wear heavy books from one place to another to their daily tasks to meet.

Nowadays are sites like,, and words, excellent tools that Ãœbersetzer research to compare values, find synonyms and antonyms and even seek their forums where experienced translators combine to sort, the meaning of difficult expressions and concepts help.

Not to mention the fact that the World Wide Web contains links to the best libraries in each country - most of them are free of charge - as well as sites that contain the most reputable encyclopedias in the world such as and

Even if online translator - in the above mentioned pages, many of which are included - must never trust - and a real Pro will understand why this is, as he detects the level of inaccuracy that with this kind of translation is service - online dictionaries, a very useful are on the other hand and almost obligatory resource for any professional who tries to take to provide a text from its source language and target language for the full enjoyment and understanding of a specific target group.

In this case, experience makes no difference. Beginners as well as long-term career translator must understand the value of having a Wörterbuchs-or a set of reference books - page 24 / 7.

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Ten online resources for authors and other Lexophiles

Lexophilia is defined as "the love of words." It is a neologism, a newly invented word. It comes from two Greek words – Lexis (meaning words) and Philia (meaning love).

You will find authors, readers, Lexophiles, and each research a wealth of free information on the Internet.   Here are ten pages that will help you find just about everything you need to search.

1. is my dictionary of choice. It is a quick and easy way to find words, but it is so much more. Here, you will find synonyms anonymous, and meanings. Use it to write poems. It will return words, with your rhyme. The term that would like to see in a famous quote - no problem. It will return with your word pictures, documents and multimedia related. And you can choose it by default to your most frequently used functions adjust.

(2) is one of the most extensive references on the Web. Here you will find everything from encyclopedias, first addresses of the President of the United States. Bartleby has search for quotes, more than 87,000 contemporary and classic quotations. The elements of style, the Columbia Gazetteer of North America, the Holy Bible, old and New Testaments, are only a small part of what is offered.

(3) is a slang dictionary with a words relating to urban cultures and street slang. More than 3,000,000 definitions submitted since 1999

(4) is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations. She have uncut for ten years and her sister online website has a further three million acronyms and abbreviations.

(5) offers quick access to some of the best Internet Tools. Search tools help you to find something on the Web. Look up or translate words with language tools. Use the research tools to find information about each subject. Driving directions are financial instruments which convert currency and map tools.

(6) is the site of Project Gutenberg, a library of electronically stored books that are freely available. It was started in 1971 by Michael Hart and drawn by hundreds of volunteers. There are over 25,000 free books in the online catalogue. There is also an offline catalog, which can be downloaded.

(7) is a portal to much of what the World Wide Web offers. Listed a wide range of informative and educational websites. Desktop resources include area codes, zip codes, calculator, old farmers Almanac, newspapers, lottery results, sports, tax prep Guide and more.

(8) is an American Guide to the British speak. Seven sections - slang, people, driving a car, clothes around the House, food and drink and odds and sods - contain more than a thousand words and expressions, the differences between the United States and the United Kingdom.

(9) offers free Cliff notes to literature, writing, mathematics, science, test prep, and information about college scholarships and grants.

10. And non-verbal gestures, signs and body language I recommend

Gail writes romance, Paranormal, and otherwise as Gale Stanley.
Call of the wild - now at Amazon & Bookstrand available
Silent KNIGHTS - coming October 2010 - silver publishing
Mating CALL - coming November 2010 - siren Bookstrand
Point of beginning - coming January 2011 - silver publishing

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WordWeb - A resource for teachers and students that has become truly international

Wordweb had it's origins back in 1993 when Antony Lewis was looking to find a module to help with a package he developed called Crossword Compiler. He developed Wordweb as a plugin module for the Crossword Compiler, but people began to ask him if it was possible for this module to be made stand-alone. He released the first version a couple of years later, and Wordweb has evolved on it's own since then.

Wordweb is a fully developed application that runs on all version of Windows from 98 onwards, although it is recommended to use Windows 2000 or later for the full feature set. The program runs as background process and is accessed by right-clicking on a word and pressing ctrl, or any other hotkey combination you wish. This brings up Wordweb's main dialog box with the word you highlighted selected and the dictionary definition as well as thesaurus links visible.

Wordweb contains more than 200,000 words in it's dictionary, and you can always add in more as you need to. It also allows for importing of dictionary module, or you can purchase extra dictionary modules from the site.

The thing that makes this package stand out from a lot of other packages that have sprung up in the years since Wordweb was released, is it's international english dictionary. No other dictionary has as much coverage of International English as Wordweb does. This package has specific words and definition for thousands of unique words in Irish, Australian, New Zealand, South African, and even Asian English.

It also gives those definitions in plain english, suitable for students or teachers for better explanation of what the words mean. Examples - The Australian term Cobber.

From Wordweb

Noun: cobber kóbu(r)

Usage: Austral, NZ

Australian term for a pal

Derived forms: cobbers

Type of: brother, buddy, chum, compadre, crony, paisano [US], pal, sidekick

Encyclopedia: Cobber

From AskOxford


o noun Austral./NZ informal a companion or friend.

-- ORIGIN perhaps related to English dialect cob take a liking to.

As can be seen, Wordweb gives a lot more information than the Big dictionary, including thesaurus links, alternate terms, and plain english definitions.

For students needing to learn the different dialects of Australia or New Zealand, this package is well-suited due to it's inclusion of hundreds of region-specific words that simply are not properly referenced with the big online-only dictionaries. For a lot of Australia and New Zealand, broadband does not exist, so having a dictionary tool that sits on the desktop and does not need to access the internet is a big bonus for writing reports or doing research.

Plus, it does some beauty Crossword lookups and even anagrams too.

Tim Morrison is a founding member of and has been writing articles and short fiction for many years.

He uses Wordweb extensively as it provides him a resource that just can't be beat. As he was raised in Australia and uses a lot of Aussie-speak in his language, along with his New Zealand roots, this package is top-notch.

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Reverse Dictionary - Ever asked yourself "Whats the word for..."

I just happened to stumble on a pretty interesting tool today.

I was trying to find a word for "People that are behind the times" for my previous blog post. I did a couple of searches in Google without avail and eventually started scouring for a tool that did a reverse lookup on a word. A tool where I would give the definition, and it would give me some words that matched that definition. What I discovered was's Reverse Dictionary.

Reverse Dictionaries allow you to "Describe a concept" in order to find words that match that description.

Cool Stuff, especially for all of us non-harvard graduates.

What I find the most interesting though is all of the uses for this tool. It is actually a very smart search engine. You would be suprized the sort of answers you could get from asking a variety of questions. Here are some of potential applications that OneLook describes:

- Find a word, when you know its definition, [or a portion of the definition].

- Explore related concepts. Baseball, clouds, cities.

- Generate a list of words in some category. I.E. Large Birds, Green fruit, Canadian authors.

- Answer basic indentification questions. What is the capital of Vietnam, Who is big birds friend on Sesame Street. What is the longest River in the world

In actuality Onelook is indexing much more then just dictionaries to find these answers. They index encyclopedia's and other reference sites as well.

I dont know about you guys, but if I had a very large amount of money, I might consider trying to buy their technology. There are a lot of times I wish the major search engines could do some of the stuff that they are. (askjeeves) does some of this, but you cant get lists from Ask, its usually websites that come up that require you to sift through several pages to find your answers.

For all of you content mongers out there, this sort of technology could feed some very interesting sites.

I would love to see some sort of API.

Jarrod Hunt is the CEO of Please do place an active link when publishing this article.

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12 Credible Reasons to Avoid Banning Dictionaries From Schools and Libraries

Werden Lexika zu rassigen für unsere Kinder? Wörterbücher, Enzyklopädien und Thesaurus zu Recht auf eine umstrittene Liste der Literatur für Schulkinder platziert werden soll? Vor kurzem las ich einen Artikel über ein Schulbezirk, die das Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary aus den Regalen in ihren Schulen verboten. Während ich glaube, dass Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte haben das Recht, bestimmte Dinge im Leben ihrer Kinder zu zensieren, die potenzielle Gefahr für ihre persönliche und spirituelle Entwicklung sein könnte, glaube ich nicht, dass das Entfernen der Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary aus den Regalen die beste und klügste wissenschaftliche Entscheidung zu treffen.

Allzu oft, Laufe ich in vielen Grund- und Schüler, die selten ein Wörterbuch oder den Thesaurus zu verwenden. Das Wörterbuch wurde eine kontinuierliche erforderliche Ressource für meine akademische Wachstum und Fortschritt von der Grundschule bis Graduiertenschule. Es bleibt immer noch ein sehr wichtiges Nachschlagewerk für Wissen und Forschung, dass ich fast jeden Tag benutzen. Wenn neue Wörter oder Jargon in einem unbekannten Kontext verwendet wird, während ich bin reden hören oder ein Buch zu lesen, ich notieren Sie diese Worte und beziehen sich auf meine alten, zerrissenen College Wörterbuch oder den Thesaurus für Hilfe.

Dies ist, zwar keinen persönlichen Angriff gegen die Befürworter der Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary aus Schule Regalen verbieten ist es eine Petition, um mit Vorsicht vorgehen, wenn unsere Kinder aus bestimmten Bildungsressourcen zu verbergen, die didaktischen Sicherheitsanfälligkeit verhindern könnten, wenn sie nicht in unserer Obhut. Zur gleichen Zeit gibt Eltern und Erziehungsberechtigte eine großartige Gelegenheit, ihre Kinder über bestimmte Toxizitäten zu unterrichten, die für ihr Wohlergehen schädlich sein könnte.

Hier sind zwölf glaubwürdige Gründe, die weitere Verwendung von Lexika in unser Schulsystem zu legitimieren:

(1) Es verbessert die Alphabetisierung und wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt.

2. Es erweitert und entwickelt Ihren mündlichen und schriftlichen Wortschatz.

3. Es hilft mit Verständnis Silben, Abkürzungen, Rechtschreibung und Interpunktionszeichen.

4. Es hilft bei der Entdeckung der Geschichte der englischen Sprache.

5. Es deckt Aussprache Symbole.

6. Es hilft, wenn mit den erläuternden Diagramme und Erläuterungen vertraut zu werden.

7. Sie sind in der Lage zu verstehen, Zeichen und Symbole.

8. Sie lernen, wie zu nutzen, das Handbuch des Stils.

9. Sie werden geografische und biographische Namen lernen.

10. Es hilft Wort Herkunft und Kategorien (Substantiv, Verb, Adjektiv oder Adverb) zu verstehen.

(11) Es ist von Vorteil für die mündliche und schriftliche Kommunikation Entwicklung.

(12) Es ist eine unabdingbare Mechanismus für Studenten, Staats-und Regierungschefs, Autoren, Referenten und Pädagogen.

Let 's face it, in unserer Welt, die voller fortschrittlicher Technologie, so ziemlich alles zu erforschen das Herz begehrt, egal, wo Sie, in einer Art und Weise suchen oder anderen, die unsere Kinder, die gut, schlecht und hässlich verfügbar gemacht werden. So viel wie wir sie vor den Schrecken des Lebens schützen möchten, haben Familien die Möglichkeit und macht, konsistente Linien der Kommunikation zu öffnen, ihre Kinder über Moral, Liebe, Frieden, Ethik, sowie die Gefahren von der teuflischen einzuweisen.

Das Wörterbuch und den Thesaurus enthalten Tausende von Wörtern und umfassende Verweise auf die Bereitschaft, bereichern unsere intellektuelle Kapazität, Bewusstsein, Erbauung und Entwicklung aufrufen. Diese wertvollen Bildungsressourcen von unser Schulsystem Verbot möglicherweise am wenigsten unserer gesellschaftlichen sorgen.

Kym Gordon Moore ist der Autor von "Unterschiede der Geschenke: gleichen Geist" und ein Ebook "Alphabet Soup: 5 Main Zutaten für Turning Wörter in eine Schüssel mit Hot Topics!" Sie ist ein Beitrag Autor für "Chicken Soup für die Seele: dank Mama," Mitglied der North Carolina Writer's Network, Mitbegründer der Lieblings-Dinge für eine Sache, ein Mitglied des Beirats für glauben Ministerien, Inc., des amerikanischen Autors Association und Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Sie wurde als einer der Empfänger für den General Mills Fütterung Träume Gemeinschaft Champions Service Award 2009 ausgewählt.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

Interesting, weird facts about encyclopedias - Yes, encyclopedias

Okay, I admit what do strange things, encyclopedias are probably not at the top on your list.

But here are a few bits of trivia, interessante-and Yes, even strange - that anyone who ever has had, to try and research can maintain a paper with the help of one of those things.

We thank God for the Internet.

Look up "Encyclopedia" in the dictionary

You've heard the word to all your life. You know what it stand for now. And you probably think that it means "Book of knowledge" or some such red.

Well... No.

With what you call you faced the first collection of facts, the authors of course looked, ancient Greek, and chose "Enkyklos Paideias", which translates as "things of young." all in a circle

So I'm confused, how are on it, that a.

If you think the Britannica is large...

The largest encyclopedia in history must be taken with the in 1408 during the Ming dynasty in China in operation. It was 11,000 volumes (Yes thousands!) and had 370 million characters.

All hand written.

Try that at home wearing a rucksack.

The craziest Encyclopedia Britannica

Put together that most serious encyclopedia, EB, as it is today not always quite as straight.

In fact, 1768 of 3 Scots began the first edition in the year. One was drunk like back to throwing beer with Robert Burns. Another was a buffoon 4 feet 6 inches, who like to wear an enormous papier-mâché nose (like a joke, you see), which earned a fortune make dog collars for the rich. And the third was the hapless printer that had no idea what in always.

The first EB itself is only about as eclectic. There are 7 lines of theater, 500 words about poetry, but 39 pages about horse diseases. I think that we know, what was important to these men.

Speaking of which: Women - "The woman of the man." Yes. This is it. 4 Words.

They computed "and" the number of species on the Ark of Noah. 177, if you are interested in.

A last jewel: excessive gas-"Blow tobacco smoke to the anus". Good luck with that a.

James London DeVasher writes about things he loves. How cool is its job?

Here is a website about something else he finds interessant-and very useful! -1-Cup- coffee maker.

If you your coffee lieben-- and never enough time in the morning-have you should a 1 cup coffee machine such as the Senseo coffee machine.

You should really visit.

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Interesting, weird facts about encyclopedias - Yes, encyclopedias

Okay, I admit what do strange things, encyclopedias are probably not at the top on your list.

But here are a few bits of trivia, interessante-and Yes, even strange - that anyone who ever has had, to try and research can maintain a paper with the help of one of those things.

We thank God for the Internet.

Look up "Encyclopedia" in the dictionary

You've heard the word to all your life. You know what it stand for now. And you probably think that it means "Book of knowledge" or some such red.

Well... No.

With what you call you faced the first collection of facts, the authors of course looked, ancient Greek, and chose "Enkyklos Paideias", which translates as "things of young." all in a circle

So I'm confused, how are on it, that a.

If you think the Britannica is large...

The largest encyclopedia in history must be taken with the in 1408 during the Ming dynasty in China in operation. It was 11,000 volumes (Yes thousands!) and had 370 million characters.

All hand written.

Try that at home wearing a rucksack.

The craziest Encyclopedia Britannica

Put together that most serious encyclopedia, EB, as it is today not always quite as straight.

In fact, 1768 of 3 Scots began the first edition in the year. One was drunk like back to throwing beer with Robert Burns. Another was a buffoon 4 feet 6 inches, who like to wear an enormous papier-mâché nose (like a joke, you see), which earned a fortune make dog collars for the rich. And the third was the hapless printer that had no idea what in always.

The first EB itself is only about as eclectic. There are 7 lines of theater, 500 words about poetry, but 39 pages about horse diseases. I think that we know, what was important to these men.

Speaking of which: Women - "The woman of the man." Yes. This is it. 4 Words.

They computed "and" the number of species on the Ark of Noah. 177, if you are interested in.

A last jewel: excessive gas-"Blow tobacco smoke to the anus". Good luck with that a.

James London DeVasher writes about things he loves. How cool is its job?

Here is a website about something else he finds interessant-and very useful! -1-Cup- coffee maker.

If you your coffee lieben-- and never enough time in the morning-have you should a 1 cup coffee machine such as the Senseo coffee machine.

You should really visit.

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The Oxford Dictionary Creation and The Future of Language

Have you ever read the encyclopedia? Well, I guess you are not a; know it all, after all? Have you ever read the dictionary? It seems like a boring thing to do but you really should read it, as it is quite good actually. In my life I have read two dictionaries; an abridged Oxford dictionary and a regular dictionary.

It is amazing how the language changes over the years in each society and in each new generation. If you ever want to read a book on the subject, then I recommend; "The Meaning of Everything; The story of the Oxford English Dictionary" by Simon Winchester.

What will the future of the English language be? Well, a lot of that depends on professors and scholars and what they consider words, as each year new words are added to the dictionary. But in the information age we have compound words that take on entirely new meanings. We also have industry professionals and consultants creating new words in their fields. Many words that are quite unique and in industry terminology and new industry buzzwords are not in the Oxford dictionary although as time marches on they may actually earn a spot.

But still, what will the future of language be with all this instant messaging and abbreviated words? Our language is evolving and changing whether the professors and Oxford scholars like it or not. Slang is becoming acceptable and hyphenated shortened words are also. Still authors who are popular often invent new words and they are readily accepted if the writer is recognized. The future of language is involving faster than ever before and perhaps you will think of this in 2006.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is an online writer in retirement.

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I read the encyclopedia - do you have?

Not long ago, was I discuss the concept of knowledge with someone the encyclopedia something had read, I had even once done. In fact, I read an interesting book "Know it all" by a.j. Jacobs, it's fun, you should read to read it, the author reading the encyclopedia and then wrote about his adventures. Funny, since I read or skimmed milk and the Encyclopedia Britannica, dictionary and all "tell me why series" read as a child and teenager.

Are you that, unless apparently you could be a know-it-all, if you go and read the encyclopedia itself. How long with this take? As well as a child took it read 5 to 6 years when I was a little at a time. But it makes sense, and this experience helped me in school when I was able to read the textbooks before the start of the class. Naturally acidic it really the teacher as I, questions about things, still not in the class treated asked. Ha ha ha, I think I drove them crazy?

What are the advantages you get if you read the encyclopedia are higher level talks on history, also in the position, civilizations and industry as they have lived. You will be able to grasp concepts faster. There you should a reader faster and better and it helps in the formation of thoughts when you go to write something. The thing that I like that you can have fun, people say that you did it, but it could be way as a nerd? Ha ha ha. On the thinking.

"Lance Winslow" – online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, they come with Lance think;

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English Dictionary - a fundamental instrument for the Chinese people English self acquire

Part 1 problems of using E-C dictionary

Chinese people (herein mainly refer to people of mainland China, the scenarios in Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau or overseas may differ) spend much time in learning and using English. However, English is still a difficulty for most of them. Written language, instead of spoken language, is fundamental. Reading is inputs of written language (text) to the brain. It is responsible for building up a linguistic mind. Thus, there must be some problem in (Chinese) people's reading which is responsible for their difficulty in English. Let's investigate people's reading.

Reading is a major way for them to learn. The success of reading of course is comprehension. When people don't understand English words, they either ask others or look up in dictionary. For most people, this dictionary is absolutely English-Chinese dictionary (in a broad sense, i.e. anything that translates English into Chinese, such as vocabulary and glossary in books, can also be English book and its Chinese version). This 100% certainty and sure of adopting an English-Chinese dictionary is disastrous in improving English, due to the following reasons. Firstly, it limits and disrupts the English inputs. Secondly, a frustrating translation process takes place. Thirdly, it shifts the intention from understanding English to understanding Chinese.

Let's look at the scenario of using a common E-C dictionary (The analysis of using other broader-sense dictionaries is similar). Usually, multiple Chinese words and phrases are used to translate/explain an English word or phrase. Thus when a person is to look up the dictionary, more Chinese words are being read than English words are, lessening the amount of English inputs. Also, fixating back and forth from English to Chinese leads to abrupt English visual inputs. These abrupt inputs build up in mind and contribute to non-fluency in English of the person in question. He has to choose a suitable one among multiple Chinese words or phrases. And then manipulates the Chinese translations of the words in a sentence or sentences to form Chinese translation of the sentence(s) in his mind. This translation process is frustrating. Even expert translator found difficulty when translating complex text, not to mention non-translators. In fact, except for simple text, most people find hard to translate accurately and have to stay with the inaccurate translation. Difficulty of translation grows with the complexity of English texts. Translation wastes much time and mental effort, and affects comprehension accuracy. After the person finds out the Chinese translation (be it of a word or sentence(s)), she/he starts to try to understand the meaning of the Chinese, by so doing to comprehend the English text. In fact, during and after the translation process, what is being comprehended is the Chinese. Chinese plays main role and is responsible for understanding the text. English plays small role. The role of English is to trigger or initiate the Chinese comprehension process. English is being explained instead of explanatory, thus not functioning as a language in the reader's mind. The English is considered unimportant because understanding is based on Chinese translation. The E-C dictionary looking-up habits build into memory, then even a person not using E-C dictionary, the translation process occurs in his mind. As a result, improvement of the reader's English is greatly hampered. Hence, E-C dictionary should be avoided.

The effect of E-C dictionary is immense and exists in China (especially mainland China) almost wherever English is present. The great effect is accumulated from countless and longtime looking-ups, each of them may look trivial. Dictionary takes various forms, such as paper dictionary, electronic dictionary. The prevalence of electronic dictionary makes people getting Chinese translation process and reading English faster than ever. Still, the problem exists. Fluency and understanding of English has not been improved fundamentally. On the contrary, people become more reliance on E-C dictionary. This needs a rudimentary change.

Part 2 to adopt English dictionary - theoretical aspect

The solution for that is adoption of English dictionary (in a broad sense, it could be encyclopedia, books, websites wherever one can find English explanations). With such dictionary, the three problems are resolved. That is, English inputs in continuous streams and is actually being comprehended. This way significantly increases the amount of English visual inputs. Translation process is avoided. More importantly, it builds the reasoning and thinking in English. Explaining things including itself is the way language works. By searching the meaning in English dictionary, English encyclopedia, books for meaning, the English functions as a language by extending beyond and beyond. Dictionary connects all English words and sentences into a coherent network. A network system of interconnected English words and sentences grows in mind. The adoption of English dictionary reflects the concept that English is utilized to explain English and English is directly associated with knowledge. It eliminates English's dependence on Chinese.

This approach (adopting English dictionary) also helps in doing E-C translation. By directly associating English with knowledge, i.e. comprehending directly via English, people can understand better. A person with better understanding of English can also perform better E-C translations. By understanding via thinking in English, a person knows the meaning. Then he can figure out the Chinese for the meaning. That is meaning-based translation instead of dictionary-based translation, in which people perform translation before understanding. The E-C dictionaries will still help in doing E-C translation as reference for the meaning-based translation. It should be used for translation purpose, whilst English dictionary should be used for improving English.

Two general notions would prevent this approach to be carried out. One is: people think it impossible or hard to understand English without translating it into Chinese. The other is: Chinese is superior to English. The latter is desirability issue. The former is feasibility issue. English is a language they are not familiar with, and is considered not suitable to be used to explain things. To many of them, Chinese is the ultimate representation of meaning. English representation is trivial, unreliable, not rigorous, and not authoritative and of low status. Indeed, it is a general mistake to respect the familiar language and disrespect the unfamiliar one since their knowledge and fluency of the two languages are at different levels. To address such notions, we should know that understanding of and attitude towards a language are shaped by past experiences. Dominant language tends to dominate people's mind and be favored, because it is prevalent in usage, be it whatever language. For instances, Japanese people favor Japanese and understand Japanese better. Chinese people resort to Chinese when reading English is because Chinese dominates their daily life and mind, not because Chinese itself is better than English. It is reasonable that they can't understand without translating into Chinese, since much more Chinese resides in mind than English does, people resort to it when thinking. Thus, these two notions should be abandoned. You ("you" refer to a Chinese person in this paper) should experience new things instead of being restricted by the mindset formed from past experiences. The status of English, the attitude towards English and understanding basing on English will go up with your English level rising by experiencing more in English in a proper way. This approach should be adopted when you experiencing more. More English in mind in amount and strength is needed such that people can resort to it and understand English without resorting to Chinese. It is a longtime process to build solid English system base in mind by reading more. The memory of English will build up as time goes by. After a solid base of English is built up in mind, reading English and using English dictionary will become natural.

Part 3 to adopt English dictionary - practical aspect

Now let's talk about the practical issues of carrying out this approach. Practicality is significant regarding the predominance of E-C dictionary usage in this giant country, and using E-C dictionary being deep-rooted, undoubted and unquestioned behavior of individuals. This approach is simple but sounds very weird. In some places, especially rural areas, English dictionary is even not available in bookstores. Good news is that they are in the internet! They are also available in bookstores in cities. Hence, it is easy to own or access English dictionary in various forms. Action is needed. To adopt English dictionary needs great effort and time, individually and in public scope. It should be kept on doing for years.

For an individual, here are some points. At the beginning it is hard to follow. Apparent effects couldn't be felt in short time. But it is an essential change from using an E-C dictionary. You will immediately find this approach intrinsically different. This is an effective way and longtime process. You must keep on even though you don't fully understand without translating. For some people knowing little English, even many words in the explanations/definitions are not understood and need to be looked up in English dictionary. Of course, you don't try to understand every unknown word and look up dictionaries endlessly. How much effort you take in looking up English dictionary depends on the need and your desire to comprehend. Sometimes you figure out their meaning from the context. Sometimes you search dictionaries and books for meanings of every unknown word. Sometimes you might not look up for unknown words at all. You search the explanations to find suitable one(s) that fit into the context. For common English dictionary, usually it is advised that you don't look up for unknown words beyond first-hierarchy explanation. First-hierarchy explanation is the explanation for unknown word. Second-hierarchy explanation is explanation for unknown words in first-hierarchy explanation, and so forth. You may not fully comprehend from the explanations each time. However, they integrate into your memory and accumulate into a network of words and explanations. The words in this network will be better comprehended as the network grows. Don't rush to look up E-C dictionary for quick understanding. At first you may find using English dictionary very slow and inefficient, taking lots of time for you to read and comprehend the English explanations. Applying this approach could be painful, difficult before you get used to it. After some time (in months) English gradually builds up in your mind. Then you will get used to this approach, speed up and have better understanding of the English.

Here is some general advice for reading English. During reading, what you need to do is avoid translation, reason on English words/sentences and associate them directly with knowledge, avoiding E-C translation and look up English dictionary when needed. Due to the logical structure of English, it is easy to be comprehended on its own. A logical and systematic English storage in mind will be built after some time. Such a system is coupled with knowledge and ever-expanding in a logical way. The key is to pay attention to the arrangement of English letters/words in its written form, to focus on their relations, the grammar, to memorize them and build a system in mind, in the mean time, to organize the written symbols/words in mind to represent knowledge.

Since most people are using E-C dictionary, there is a question: when to stop using E-C dictionary and start using English dictionary? The principle behind this approach is to learn English via English. Use explanation in the dictionary to learn unknown words or expressions. If few of the words in explanations are known, how can one use an English dictionary effectively? Is there a prerequisite that one should know enough English before carrying out this approach? There are no absolute prerequisites. By saying that, I mean it should not be considered when is appropriate to start using English dictionary, e.g. after certain grade level in primary school. In China, the E-C translation is prevalent and can hardly be avoided totally in a short time. It is also the major means of knowing English. It is factual that people have to learn some English via Chinese. Therefore, there will be an E-C dictionary to English dictionary shift for most people. This shift should take place as early as possibly, regardless of your English level. Accumulation of English system in mind will lead to your future better understanding even you don't understand well when looking up English dictionary. At the beginning after the shift, you still translate in mind even you use English dictionary. That will diminish over time.

In public scope, something can be done for this approach. This approach should be instructed and adopted inside and outside of schools. English dictionary of various forms should be adopted nationwide. More English dictionaries should be sold and purchased instead of E-C dictionaries. In the vocabulary section of textbooks, the Chinese explanations should be replaced as English. Just to name a few.

Part 4 fundamentality of this approach for all situations

Having introduced this approach, let's sum up its essence that should be applied in all situations. It has been clear from the preceding parts that the fundamental of this approach is to build a knowledge-associated, independent-of-Chinese English system in mind via reading. This fundamental is a central concept that guides for all learning situations. It is for people to self-acquire English, for themselves to advance on their own and not relying on environment.

People struggle with English is due to they don't know exactly in the root what obstruct them and what take effect. Many English-speaking Chinese have switched from E-C dictionary to English dictionary. They may not know that E-C to English dictionary change is the breakthrough in their improvement of English, though. They need to find out the underlying obstacle and fundamental in learning English, as this article reveals. Chinese helps people know English, get high scores in examinations and improve English. People could hardly believe that it is among the biggest, if not the biggest, obstacles in their English advancement. The rudimentary cause behind that struggle is a solid English base has not been built in their mind. They haven't eliminated English's dependence on Chinese. That needs to change. They ought to resort to English dictionary or other English material for comprehension. That is, resort to English for English. It is your task to put learning English under your control, for your own understanding instead of being pulled back and forth by various teachings and tasks. The foundation, i.e. an English base in mind, should be built by you yourself. During or after a solid foundation built, all skills, such as those for examinations, oral skills, will be earned quite easily. They will not be headaches any longer. Skills should be developed on foundation and strengthen the foundation.

The overall situation of people's learning English is complex. Learning objectives vary. The assessment criteria vary. Teaching organizations are countless, such as schools, English corners, training centers, even summer camps to travel abroad. Methods and lessons are countless. Resources are virtually unlimited - now English material is handy in this information age and being globalized world. Besides learning-oriented situations, the other type of situations is use-oriented. English use in increasing, e.g. used by students to do research, in foreign companies, in high tech industry, in contact with foreigners. Also, some people learn/use English for their own interest or in their own way. English has great presence in your daily life, such as those on goods or their packages, manuals of computer software or hardware and the extreme case, on the Web. Sometimes you want/need to understand them. In such complicated English-learning situations, it is important to keep a clear, self-aware and self-controlled mind. This approach and fundamental should be followed to ensure learning on the right track. You should always remember and apply this elementary approach and fundamental whatever learning environment you are in, whenever you learn. You acquire English in everyday life, not merely in designated learning/using situations.

It is true people living in mainland China lack English environment. People don't have English environment of English-speaking countries. However, they can grasp the essential approach of improving English by adopting English dictionary, and avoid the wrong habit practiced by millions of people for decades. People's learning English will go on the right way.

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Looking for a walking encyclopedia - get this device

I have always been looking for a device that is portable, which has a built-in encyclopedia, I can take. I love writing and exploring new topics. One day, as I thought, a friend of mine called to tell me that her father gave her a reader for their birthday, and that it an integrated encyclopedia, a dictionary, a free 3 G wireless for Internet access has an amazing device, weighs just 8.7 ounces and 1/3-inch thin, rewarding all, then you can up to 3,500 books. The name of the device is Kindle 3 g wireless reader. This is what I was looking for! Immediately, I went to Google to find the product. What I read amazes me!

I found out that this product to - mean wireless access favorite encyclopedia. search I for persons, places, event and many other topics of interest. It includes the new Oxford Dictionary with over 250,000 entries and, so I easily search my reading and not only that, can definitions definitions of English words, without disturbing when I get in a Word, I do not know that reading, I can just the cursor and the definition automatically appears at the bottom of the screen. This is wonderful.

The most amazing part is that 3,500 books can be saved and it be assessed can in 60 seconds via Whispernet optimized to allow the use of Amazon technology as well as high-speed network to wireless search and download content on the go.

I can arrange these books, in collections or categories, easily accessible to each book, what I want. I can organize several collections and add an element to title even easier.I can also no books I want to delete again.

These are not all that I discovered that log on to my blog and check out my discoveries.

Read more about my amazing discoveries here

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Read the dictionary - I know it sounds crazy, but you will be glad you have

Those who would disturb on Earth, the dictionary to read? Now, read that an article about someone, several dictionaries from the front to rear read, and I must say who has and has, has learned a lot along the way. And if you think that I'm crazy, you knew that Bill Gates read the entire encyclopedia? Do you think that Bill Gates is crazy? What is it that the people who read books to win? Now, I think Hmm, you should find out the answer to itself.

In fact, I'm going to recommend that you the dictionary, no, not the unabridged Oxford version a foot square and ten inches tall, Yes, I have one of those. It has you just about every word, ever except for the create per word blogging bandits reading vocabulary. Rather, I will recommend that you have a smaller version with sufficient pressure. My choice is;

"Webster's Dictionary" with over 50,000 entries for home, school and Office. Edited by John Gage Allee, PhD., 1978.

Why can I recommend an older version? Also not all new have tags or the last words you already know, so you have no stupid distractions. It is only 446 pages, and this is not much bigger than a long novel. Yes the pressure is less than a novel, perhaps the equivalent a book 892 page, but you can handle, that you are adult now. And even if you read only one letter a day you will be one month finished without breaking a sweat and your mind have more time to enjoy it. Go for it.

"Lance Winslow" – online Blog Content Service. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, they come with Lance think; Lance Winslow bio

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Details of an old encyclopedia

Pliny the elder

Encyclopedias have been on this earth for 2000 years. The oldest is written the elder Naturalis Historia by Pliny in Roman times. It spread out over 37 sections on art and building construction, natural history, medicine, geography, geology, and every other facet that was next to him. Compiled the facts from 2000 different works by 200 authors, but he was unable, proof of the entries read. It was published in AD 77-79. Earlier, the works of Marcus Terentius Varro already existed, but was lost in time.

Middle ages

Etymologiae (around 630) was collected as the first encyclopedia of the middle ages by Isidore of Seville, a great scholar of the Middle Ages known. This encyclopedia is spreads of 448 chapters in 20 volumes with quotes and excerpts from the work of other authors.

Reference to mostly Bartholomeus Anglicus the high middle ages saw de Proprietatibus rerum (1240).
Vincent of Beauvais Speculum majus (1260) was pretty progressive with over 3 million words in the late medieval period.

The Suda is a big encyclopedia of Byzantine times of the ancient Mediterranean world. It is written in the style of the Greek lexicon with 30,000 entries.


The modern idea of a printed encyclopedia, which could be fully distributed for general use, came with Chambers' Cyclopaedia (1728) and the Encyclopédie of Diderot and d'Alembert (from 1751), as well as encyclopedia and conversations-Lexikon. These were global issues, which had a broad framework and have been detailed and organized. The Chamber dictionary followed perhaps the direction of John Harris lexicon Technicum.

Sir Thomas Browne, used famous English scientist and physician the word encyclopedia in 1646 in his vulgar errors, where common errors of his time were refuted. This encyclopedia has been structured on the proven system of the Renaissance or 'Level of creation'. It is the hierarchical structure from mineral, plant, animal, human and planetary and cosmological worlds.

John Harris is he believe, now for the alphabetic format in 1704 with his Lexicon Technicum introduced: A universal English Dictionary of Arts and Sciences: to explain not only the conditions of the art, but the art itself "." It emphasizes science such as in the understanding of the century, still subjects beyond science include Humanities and art such as law, Commerce, music, and Heraldry.

20Th century

In the early 1920s, Harmsworth of universal encyclopedia and children's encyclopedia has been popular and low-cost resources. In the United States of the 50's and 60's saw several large editions is introduced and gain popularity. They were sold through rates. The best came WorldBook and funk and Wagnalls.

Several encyclopedias have been published in the second half. Their work was notable because she won synthesized important topics in certain areas, through new research. The encyclopedia of philosophy, and Elsevier's handbooks in Economics were 2 such books. Most academic disciplines are a dedicated band including narrow topics such as bioethics and African American history.

Search for various old encyclopedias from different years to compare author and definitions of same words. Sometimes, this research can to see how our knowledge of the time were changed. You can also see some parts of the old encyclopedias online at

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Use of online encyclopedia and reference resources - as they help students, teachers and researchers

It was a big jump in the research, which is done by students, teachers and research alike. While its use has increased, there are still a large majority of these groups that would rather not online resources, or not, just use. There is also a large percentage of people, especially in academia, which find unreliable online encyclopedias. This setting has an unfortunate because online reference materials are often correct than their printed counterparts as factual. To discuss the benefits of the finding of facts online, it is important, the question from the perspective of both student and teacher/researcher to address.

Student benefits of using an online encyclopedia

1. Speed

It's much faster online encyclopedias use to do research than to spend hours in the library. If you work online, the student must find just the encyclopedia of their choice and type in a search term. From here the focus of their research can be enabled students a series of articles in connection with. You will be able to gather a wealth of information in a matter of minutes. This same process can literally take hours in the use of printed materials in a library.

2. Updated information

If you get to use an online encyclopedia, students updated information. If the facts change, these changes are transferred from the online reference materials. Printed material this is not easy. Printed the book, can not be modified. Many schools and libraries have encyclopedias that are five or ten years old. Students who are forced to use these materials may be absorbing information, which has been long out of date.

3. Depth and width

As online encyclopedias be updated constantly, they have more depth and breadth than a traditional encyclopedia. This gives students the opportunity to find much more information about a particular subject. In addition, if they focus on a topic that is not known, it can be found in traditional printed reference works. A final advantage is that if there is a quote or a footnote in an online encyclopedia, it often is accompanied by a link to the original source. This results in a simple way, further information collect and easily reference original sources.

When the online encyclopedias use benefits teachers and researchers

1. Create a connection

Students are on the Internet and everything, what has to offer it at a growing rate. Through the use of online reference material, you are able to connect with the students. This will usually increase their attention to the project and increase their overall level of commitment. A more engaged student will not only harder work, but keep of course also more information that can be found.

2. Image building

In order for a teacher or researcher taken seriously and more respected they must win the approval of the audience. With more people use the Internet a teacher or researcher seems natural that they have deployed resources acceptable, find their audiences would be their image to improve this.

Should online encyclopedias and trusted reference materials?

While the benefits of using online reference materials to find important facts is whether or not it trusts are can the debate for some time. The core of this debate is a big problem; Where do online reference materials and encyclopedias get their information. They obtained their information resources from low-quality, the information is probably wrong. There are many printed encyclopedias and reference materials that have been replicated as the Encyclopedia Britannica online, and are regarded as legitimate. The most popular online encyclopedia, Wikipedia and similar sites, is often criticized.

Because each Wikipedia can contribute, many scholars argue that it is full of errors and inaccurate information. The founder of the Wikipedia to admit that may be inaccurate, but overall it shockingly factual has found his some information. To contribute to the a Wikipedia entry, they must be quoted. It is then verified by editors and the quote must be from a source, the neutral and proven is factually correct. In fact, several studies have been carried out and came to the conclusion that Wikipedia almost as objectively accurate Encyclopedia Britannica and Encarta. If you, if Wikipedia can be trusted, think any questions, remember that it took over 70 years and thousands of contributors, including a prisoner in an asylum for the criminally insane, creating original Oxford English Dictionary. Just because thousands of people have made a contribution, by nature do not do, from the information wrong.

Information to get started with online research, you can to juggle an encyclopedia and reference resource give a try.

Resources mentioned in this article include also Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia.

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What is the best Bible encyclopedia for you?

Seems sometimes understand that the Bible itself initially harder than be can. First of all was the Bible more than a few thousand years ago literally written! This means that, that has changed much since then. Things that happen in the Bible found in countries that have changed since the Bible was written and places that have not already visited the vast majority of people, and may never get the chance. For these reasons, and more it is sometimes advantageous to understand help in the Bible.

Choosing a Bible encyclopedia is a good first step. However it can be a problem, the choice of the correct encyclopedia for your particular needs. A great example of a good Bible encyclopedia, which is not too complicated the Zondervan pictorial encyclopedia of the Bible. Five volumes has this encyclopedia.

As you can guess, has this pictorial encyclopedia, many pictures and illustrations. These include full color and black and white illustrations, graphics, diagrams and maps. Accompany the many pages of the images are 7,500 articles that will teach you, inform topics and biblical interpretations. This encyclopedia was of two hundred and thirty up to eight participants from all over the world together and is the result of ten years of research, preparation and compilation. This reference work of 1,072 page Bible has pretty much everything.

This Bible encyclopedia is to be read by a variety of families, students, and to put people not only theological students. It has practical shape to facilitate references and photos and other images in this encyclopedia really bring this reference book to life. This reference encyclopedia is a great value. It costs about $125 depending on where you shop. This means that it costs an arm and a leg to a better understanding of the Bible.

One of the best Bible to find encyclopedia of Bible facts is facts Nelson's illustrated encyclopedia of the Bible: A comprehensive fact-finding Sourcebook on the people, places, and customs of the Bible. This is a book of the Bible reference.

This book is very useful to Bible students. 45 Sections has this encyclopedia. These include over six thousand subjects such as law, trade, transportation and family life. Other topics are text and translations, pagan religions, animals and insects, agriculture, languages and write, and worship and rituals.

In addition to being for Bible this book is useful students also helpful for everyone, such as authors, research on the biblical times. These include facts, Bible the on time and the ancient cultures. The sections are all different aspects of life and culture of the peoples mentioned in the Bible. These people are Hebrews, Phoenicians, Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, and much more. If you are looking to this is the encyclopedia for you learn facts to biblical times and cultures.

This book is as the title already says, shows. There are more than 300 black and white and colour photographs. These figures relate to the topics and are useful for the understanding of the biblical text in the encyclopedia. But this book is definitely more text than pictures and down to the facts, Bible, not to the images stay should. This book is ideal for all kinds of facts about the Bible and also down from the shelf again and again.

An other good encyclopedia of the Bible a view should undergo the encyclopedia is International Bible Society. This is also known as Encyclopaedia Biblica: A critical dictionary of literary, political and religion history, archaeology, geography and natural history of the Bible. This is a reference book, which is intended not for the faint of heart. Published first in 1899-1903, is this book full of biblical and theological studies.

This book was edited by Thomas Kelly Cheyne and j. Sutherland black. This encyclopedia is a four volume work of reference, often known, as ENC bib. or as Cheyne and black. This encyclopedia contains an article covering each book of the old testament, every book of the New Testament and the traditional Apocrypha. Not only covers this encyclopedia, containing all all the individual names and places in both the Bible and the Apocrypha and includes many wrong nouns. There are also many articles about the events and concepts in the Bible.

The article in Encyclopaedia Biblica are still very important for modern scholars, writers and religious commentators. In General, this is an excellent reference for all researchers in search for a Bible encyclopedia.

The International Standard Bible encyclopedia was originally from World Cup. B. Eerdmans publishing company published. Nearly two hundred scholars contributed to articles, covering topics such as archaeological discoveries, the language of the Bible lands, the literature of the countries of the Bible, customs, family life, professions and the historical and religious environments of people in the Bible.

This encyclopedia contains 9.448 entries. This is a great reference book for all study of the Bible. This encyclopedia explains the significant words in the old and the new testament of the Bible and the Apocrypha.

A Bible encyclopedia is a great reference tool for anyone looking to gain more insight into the Bible.

Ken Stiles writes about Bible study tools. Information about choosing the best Bible encyclopedia for you, check out Bible encyclopedias on our Web site Bible study tools or our blog at: great Bible study books.

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Broadband as a multimedia encyclopedia

Seemingly, the world gets smaller and smaller as each day, new technological advances in internet and computer technology allow US all to be more globally connected than ever imagined. As we do become more connected, the desire and need for information grows exponentially, and millions across the globe look to broadband to provide this information in a timely manner. New platforms developed by broadband media companies are allowing the formation of online cachés of knowledge and information, with the ability to stream multimedia presentations consisting of video, images, and interactivity for viewers.

Applications for this technology are limitless. Take on online music dictionary for instance. A well-established "brick and mortar" dictionary such as Grove's would be afforded the ability to capture and inform a larger amount of viewers. Already existing online, Grove's could further enhance its presentation and reach by allowing for streaming of musical performers, providing listening ability of composers' most famous works through audio streaming, diagrams of historical inventions (think pianoforte innards), and images of famous compositions displayed instantly. The ability of online dictionaries and encyclopedias to grow and evolve as information and knowledge advances is truly one of their most attractive features. As new research is developed and historical information ability to upload uncovered, contributors would have the is information instantly, allowing the knowledge-hungry viewership quicker access to ideas. Of course, broadband would allow employees of Grove's or other online encyclopedias and dictionaries the ability to closely monitor the content of their site; allowing them to check facts, sources, etc, and have the ability to edit content as well.

Glossaries and encyclopedias not only provide information, they can even help save lives. Online glossary provided by Florida State University and the non-profit of organization Autism Speaks provides parents with streaming information allowing them to more quickly diagnose symptoms of autism in their own children. Autism Speaks online encyclopedia helps millions of parents of children with autism by providing excellent resources of how to better serve and help their children. Video clips, articles, and other tools are available to parents and educators instantaneously on a twenty-four hour basis, not allowing a second to be wasted when it comes to helping special needs children and adults living with autism.

Broadband media applications are ever expanding into all sectors of business, education, and finance. Researchers and developers at companies like global provider Whiteblox are continuously striving to provide the public with new and exciting ways to connect, educate, and invigorate.

About the author: Gregory Demetriades is Chief Executive Officer solutions broadband of Whiteblox [], a leading provider of integrated video.

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Flight instruction - the online aviation dictionary

This article is in a series of articles on flight instruction in the United States. Here we examine one of the instruments in the most flight instruction curricula, which uses online aviation dictionary. The beneficiary is an indispensable tool of the student pilot. But also flight instructors and even Aerospace engineers realize benefits from this type of dictionary.

The Web Developer or webmaster online aviation was assigned the task of writing a dictionary, the following information should be useful. Here we characterise these elements to produce a highly effective dictionary, and we provide a list of good online aviation dictionaries together with a discussion of these dictionaries. So, what are the components of a dictionary highly effective aviation?

In particular should comprehensively, but not so comprehensive, that the student pilot and flight instructor, need to look through many air and terms, to find these terms that are essential for flight training. Also, it should be comprehensive enough for the field of air and students, so that at least basic aviation and space technical conditions can be found. Therefore, it should be a balance between typical features in a program, flight lessons and typical conditions of the air and space travel engineer used student.

Many believe that a dictionary for aviation should contain a search component. This depends on the degree of detail. Prefer while a search component for some could be useful, many visitors find you under conditions placed on a page the same way they are found in a book. So the decision whether the dictionary should have a search component to play really below how many terms in air transport dictionary are included. One that probably has a large number of terms would be a search component.

It should also be noted that many common words should have both a dictionary for the aviation and one air and dictionary. For example, these terms are used, the strength of the lift produced by a wing describe in both be found. But mathematical concepts, laws of physics and phrases used, can be described to lift only found one air and encyclopedia are in one air and dictionary, or more specifically. In other words, a mathematical detailed explanation of the power of the elevator is not required in an aviation dictionary.

A dictionary of aviation is no aviation encyclopedia. An encyclopedia provides a much longer description. Aviation terms can be found in Wikipedia, and a long description is provided for those terms. For example the term wing there is lift in Wikipedia from a full page of information from a discussion of Newton's laws of the set of Kutta and Zhukovsky. On the other hand a dictionary should aviation wing lift in one or two sentences describe.

Other points made, create a good online dictionary for aviation. It should be the images, consisting, at least for the most commonly used terms. It can be also part of a large aviation website or available on its own as a location. And if it not a search engine, it should be easy to navigate so that terms can be found quickly.

Finally, and above all the pages that make up a dictionary for aviation with unnecessary objects and scripts should do slow down, the page is loaded. There's nothing more annoying to the visitors of online dictionary then the slow page load. Therefore it should be easy and simple, the pages for a quick glance to accommodate aviation terms. Word is that in 2010, Google will integrate speed page loading in their algorithm. So speedy keep, page loading speed can help in the future, with the all important Google ranking.

Why is dictionary this information about aviation important? For the Builder or developer it is important that website so structured that it contains the displayed items. For students who training program is in a flight, it is important to select an aviation dictionary that contains these elements.

The following a list of popular aviation dictionaries found online: /. /

On the above, we found very comprehensive, with a fast search engine. contain a search engine and language translation ability. was also very effective, because they 1065 dictionaries contain a search, at a time, if in their search component place a term. After placing a search term in your search engine, you will receive a list of dictionaries, which carry the designation. The draw back is to this method, that it take more time to find a definition. is a single page list of terms. was very comprehensive and had a fast search engine, and more acronyms then aviation online dictionaries. had a good list type dictionary without a search engine, and it seemed very comprehensive, although I think that their website would be more professional without the annoying music on their home page. After all was, a type of list, with many images.

Finally the generator of a dictionary to comprising a high level of integrity, but not to produce aviation, allow the inclusion of images which are on each page, you sure that each page is easily navigated to all sides of the dictionary, and make sure you that each page loads must be most important, quickly also for the visitors who use a slow connection to the Internet. A Dictionary online aviation is an integral part of every flight instruction curriculum. Student pilots, flight instructors, air and space engineers or if you have an interest in aviation, all are beneficiaries of this type of dictionary.

Thomas Sullivan, the author of this article is a WebPublisher and developer lives in the Boston, MA area. He is the creator and webmaster for the Aviation dictionary.

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